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So far gnl has created 2 blog entries.

Eating well to promote a healthy heart

Are you what you eat? Rising awareness of the role of diet in promoting good health, high healthcare costs, and increasing importance of personal fitness are some of the key factors driving the recent growth of the “nutrition industry”. However, there has been a gradual move towards “Westernised” diets, characterised by a high content of proteins (derived from fatty domesticated and processed meats), saturated fats, refined grains, sugar, alcohol, salt, and an associated reduced consumption of fruits and vegetables. But an understanding of the impact of diet on good health and wellbeing is now considered fundamental to our health and [...]

By |July 7th, 2020|Health Updates|Comments Off on Eating well to promote a healthy heart

A simple gut feeling

Economies all around the world are currently facing an increasing number of patients living with more than one health condition. A lot can ultimately go wrong with the human body, and therefore provision of ‘whole person care’ in recent years has become important in meeting the complex and holistic needs of these patients in several nations. Specifically, it’s now appreciated that your mind can really affect the way you interpret physical symptoms. The mind can also produce physical symptoms. Just one good illustration of this is stress. Stress responses operate at various scales, from millisecond responses that instantaneously restore body’s [...]

By |July 7th, 2020|Health Updates|Comments Off on A simple gut feeling